
Species (Family)
Peunus boldus Molina (moniniaceae)

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Blodus, Boldus boldus (Mol.) Lyons

Part(s) Used

Food Use
Boldo is listed by the Council of Europe as a natural source of food flavouring (category N3). This category indicates that boldo can be added to foodstuffs in the traditionally accepted manner, although insufficient information is available for an adequate assessment of potential toxicity. In the USA, boldo is approved for food use in alcoholic beverages only.

Herbal User
Boldo is stated to possess cholagogue, liver stimulant, sedative, diuretic, mild urinary demulcent, and antiseptic properties. It has been used for mild digestive disturbances, contipation, gallstones, pain in the liver or gall bladder, cystitis, rheumantism, and specifically for cholelithiasis with pain. The German Commission E approved use for treatment of dyspepsia and mild spastic gastrointertinal complaints.

Dried leaft 60-200mg or by infusion three times daily; 2-5g as a tea.

Liquid extract 0.1-0.3mL (1:1 in 45% alcohol) three times daily.

Tincture 0.5-2.0 mL (1:10 in 60% alcohol) three times dialy.

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